Monday, March 12, 2012

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)

Director: Stephen Daldry

Yes it is true that 9/11 was a very emotional experience for everyone, whether they were directly affected or indirectly affected. But Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close takes the emotion of that day and its affects and just shoves them down our throat. You may feel some emotion while watching, but trust me, any emotion you feel is due to 9/11 as an event rather than genuine emotion that the movie gives off. The biggest mistake is that the plot itself is completely contrived and never keeps your interest. The plot just seems like a way to meet a bunch of people in New York City and see how dedicated this kid is.

Another thing that was quite odd about this movie was its caution in using 9/11 as a way to get emotion. The image of a man falling from the WTC is deeply disturbing no doubt, but that image is repeated over and over in the film and it once again makes you emotional only because of what we remember that day. There is one scene towards the end that uses that image of a falling man in a happy context, and honestly, it was pretty cringe-inducing. There is absolutely nothing this film offers to us about either human emotion or 9/11.

Grade: D

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