Saturday, April 28, 2012

21 Jump Street (2012)

Directors: Phil Lord & Chris Miller

 Currently, people love making fun of the 80's, and this movie plays into that current cultural sentiment completely. Most people watching this movie probably have not seen the 80's TV show that it's based on, but it's obvious this is a movie that is remake of something from the 80's, and the movie is very self-aware about that fact. A lot of great humor comes from the acknowledging of 80's high school stereotypes and parodies of 80's action movies. It's all very good fun.

This is also one of those movies that has laughs every minute or so, instead of those other comedies that that may be funny due to the premise. This is one is definitely one of those laugh-out-loud films rather than the joyful smiling movies. The story is fairly standard for an action/comedy like this, there are barely any risks or anything unique with the structure or story, but there are enough laughs to make this very worth it.

Grade: B-

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