Friday, June 1, 2012

Kicking and Screaming (1995)

Director: Noah Baumbach

 As much as I'd like to think that all movies can be either good or bad, I can't ignore the fact that personal experiences and characteristics do affect how one views a film. This movie is one that I think I probably enjoyed much more than others, and this is probably due to my age, my interests, and my experiences. The film has a plot, but it's pretty much insignificant, the real joy is watching the characters interact and experience post-college angst. Because of my age and also my social class I probably connected more to these characters than other people. Most of these people are certainly more wealthy than me, but I'm not completely poor and I think those who are probably had different college and post-college experiences than me and would react differently, the same goes for those who grew up in a completely different time period.

To me, this film wonderfully captures the pains of post-college life. Especially in Eric Stoltz's character, who has been at college for 10 years. The other characters look at him with reverence and disdain at the same time. They are afraid of becoming attached to their college lives like he is, but they also loved those college years when compared to the scary adult world they now have to enter and envy him. Life is scary and difficult and this film captures these characters feelings towards adulthood wonderfully. Part of the movie focuses heavily on relationships as well, and how love changes after college, which is another great point, though the look at that is pretty much surface-level and the movie is not long enough to really get into it. Nevertheless, I think most people would find definite enjoyment in the dialogue, which is endlessly quotable and I don't think you have to be a certain age to enjoy that.

Grade: B+

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