Sunday, December 30, 2012

Wreck-It Ralph (2012)

Director: Rich Moore

The simplicity of most animated films works both for and against them. Some of them are simple to the point where the moral of the story doesn't register at all, but for others the simplicity is what makes them so refreshing and enjoyable. Wreck-It Ralph exudes a simplicity that mostly works in the same vein of Toy Story. The concept of a world inside an arcade is one rich with potential, and most of the enjoyment of the movie comes from seeing the various ways the film uses the concept for great subtle in-jokes and references to old video games (and candy which will make sense when you see the movie). Because of this I'd argue the movie might be more enjoyable for a 25-35 year old adult than it would be for a child. But unfortunately the story probably would not catch the attention of older viewers.

The main character, Ralph, is a bad guy in a game, and he dislikes his role in this game. This makes the moral of the story a bit complicated, because he is a "bad guy" but he also needs to be okay with what he is. In the end, self-acceptance is the moral of the story, though for kids especially this might be a bit confusing because Ralph is technically a villain. Accepting being a bad guy is not really the best moral. The filmmakers certainly did not intend that but it just comes across that the video game world can't quite be equated with the real world so easily. The movie doesn't quite work perfectly in that sense, but it's got some wonderful moments, clever jokes, and even an engaging plot which makes it stand out from almost all non-Pixar animated fare these days. In the end I was most satisfied with the fact that they took advantage of the clever concept, and because of that I eagerly anticipate any more escapades into this world of video games.

Grade: B-

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