Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Margin Call (2011)

Director: J.C. Chandor

This is a bit of a low-key movie set at the dawn of the 2008 financial crisis at a investment firm that's about to implode. We know what happens, so the stakes are high. The subject matter is not the easiest to make compelling, but still the film is not as exciting as it could have been. The screenplay has got some flashy dialogue, but the directing is lacking in style. Chandor does succeed in raising some interesting points about the financial system through his screenplay. One of those more unique parts of the movie is how the dialogue isn't being dumbed down for the audience, but for the executives who know nothing about their profession and only care about the money their company earns. It's a great example of the film giving us information as to why this all happened and one of the main things I took away from the movie, but I don't think that's all the movie was trying to say, and the rest of what the film was trying to say didn't quite come across. Also, I must add that Demi Moore's performance is baffling for how obviously horrible it is.

Grade: C+

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