Monday, April 30, 2012

The Walking Dead: Season Two (2012)

Showrunner: Glen Mazzara

 The first season of this zombie show was only six episodes long, so this 13-episode season would really show people if this was a dud or a truly great series. For me, it did not do either. The show definitely is not great. The characters are all frequently annoying and put themselves into contrived situations. Their lack of consistency can also be frustrating. They are just not that compelling, and if the show had at least one truly fascinating, smart, interesting main character, it would be much better. There was also the really slow storytelling that was slow not because they were trying to prove some important point or anything, it was slow and unfocused with no real singular conflict.

But I still cannot call the show a complete failure, because I must admit, unlike the pretty bad first half, the second half of the season does pick things up. There is a real simple conflict between Shane and Jim, and that conflict is given time to get bigger and bigger, and the climax of that conflict is completely satisfying. The moral and ethical decisions were simple, real consequences were there, and real decisions were made. I will say though, the main reason I will continue watching this show is because there is and has been potential for The Walking Dead and so you never know when you might see some great storytelling that happen to include some great zombie deaths. I do hope they find that potential next season.

Grade: C

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